Windows Facing Windows Review.

an open journal of poetry


Ken Poyner

All the survivors gather
And decide now there are
Too many Gods. With so few
People left, religion goes on
Too thickly when there is
So much of it. First
There is a caucus to see
If some religions are entirely
Unrepresented, and so can be
Put out altogether. Then
After a statistical review
A minimum qualification
Is established, and more
Religions go out. There is still
A host too great to be properly
Serviced by the few of us.
We start to squabble about how
To get the list down to a
Manageable length. Eventually
It comes to resources and
Deployment systems and soon
There are thefts to bolster
One religion over another,
Plans to come out the first
Or perhaps the only religion.
Then we remember war.